
10 May 2017

Tell us about...... 7

Do you have an organiser in your (large or small) collection that you are almost too afraid to use? May be because you find it too precious to use or you fear it getting damaged?

Or are your organisers just a tool to help you get through your day and so what if it gets damaged, it just adds character to it.

A bit like rare fast cars, they are to be raced not sat in museums gathering dust!

Please tell us in the comments below.


  1. Well, I´ve taken to using my decades old Balmoral a5 again and it certainly looks like it´s been put through a lot. I´ve never been careful about using it, I´ve always conditioned it, it´s been with me in several countries and places, it´s been tossed to the floor by somebody (our friendship never recovered. I refuse to talk to her again. One of the rings have never recovered either), it´s been rained upon, it´s been carried in totes and different suitcases, it´s seen public transportation and it´s been enjoying leisurely trips in the passenger´s seat in full sunlight.It is a tool. It is a companion. It keeps my life in order. It is good quality leather and it´s well conditioned. However, it does look its age. Neither one of us look like we did over 20 years ago and that´s perfectly fine.

  2. I have personal sized and A5 Maldens in purple. I condition the leather once every few months but other than that they are shoved in bags, placed on desks, carted theough airports and used at meetings. They are aesthetically pleasing tools that i use daily. Things are for using not gathering dust i think

    1. How do you condition your leather please?

  3. The only organiser I am treating with great care is my Robin, the Green Original A5: I like its leather so much and don't want it to get damaged. It lives on my desk and I condition it every time the leather seems a bit dry. All my other organisers get tossed in my bag with pens, keys, books and other random stuff.

  4. I have a personal vintage pink Malden that I never used as I was always debating whether or not to sell it and it would have to remain in great condition to maintain its value. After about 6 years I never sold it and I read an article about using beautiful things so now it's my everyday planner and gets tossed into bags, thrown on to tables etc.

  5. I have a pocket red Amazona that is so gorgeous I would hate to scratch its gleaming finish as they are discontinued. I'm using planners that fit Franklin Covey compact inserts now instead of pocket, but I aspire to using pocket next year and would rather put my Maidens to the task to preserve my Amazona.

  6. Subconsciously I seem to have ended up with three usage categories - active duty, light duty and mint/reserve. "Light duty" would typically be desk-based. Some movement between the categories occurs, but not that much. I have one duplex binder that was from old stock and unused that will probably always remain in the "mint" category!

  7. Brand new Connaught and Dorchester. I love the brand new nubuck and I love well-patinaed nubick, but the process between is painful for me.

  8. This is one of the reasons I buy pre-loved binders. Someone else can add the scratches, but I have a harder time doing it myself. This makes it hard to own brand new items, but also rare items in good condition.

    I've had a few beauties that arrived in too nice of condition to use, but they've moved on (A5 Aston, A5 Chameleon). I don't tend to hang on to anything that I deem to precious. I need the money to buy my next dream item.

  9. A never used black Personal Portland with very smooth nappa leather. I still own it but think of selling it.

  10. There is a planner I love to bits but I'm scared to use because they don't make them any longer and I think they are perfect. It is my black personal Balmoral. I have used it for years and it shows a few signs of wear but nothing dramatic. I know that I could easily use it for many other years but I don't want it to come to a point when it will be too worn out. So I occasionally take it out for a few weeks and then store it back. I know it's silly as it is only a planner but I'm really attached to it.

  11. When I first started acquiring leather planners I was very afraid to use them without being in a controlled environment, away from the elements. I ended up using only one or two less-pleasing ones, thus preserving 24 other more appealing and useful binders. After I found myself bored and uninterested with the one I was using, it occurred to me that I was probably saving them for no more than smelling!
    Crazy, right?
    I sold and donated most of them---and I am so much happier using all of my planners. I have culled together a small collection of useful and attractive planners--down from a high of 35. (And paid off all my credit card bills, in the process!)

  12. No. Beautiful things should fill you with happiness, be used and loved.

  13. My personal size DayTimer Malibu in Rose Gold. It's a rare one now, and I'm terrified of wearing it out.
