
21 June 2017

Tell us about...... 12

All organisers have certain design features such as:
  • Big rings or small rings
  • Full back pocket
  • Lots of credit card slots
  • 2nd pen loop
  • Zip pocket
  • Secretarial pockets
  • Zip closure or Clasp closure
  • Notepad slot
  • Outside pocket
  • Flyleaf
The list goes on and on, there are more I've possibly missed out! 

We all have a top three in our list I would think if we are looking at swapping in to another organiser or buying a new one. 

What are the top three 'must have' features for you? 

Tell us in the comments below.


  1. I am probably unusual when it comes to "must have" features, as my general preference is for a simple binder with just rings and a cover, not even a fastener or pen loop. A couple of pockets in the covers are sometimes nice.
    However, I will list three elements I do much admire based on the old 10CLFJ "Balmoral" models - large rings, two long pen holders and a built-in jotter.

  2. Cover texture, two pen loops, and secretarial flap. My Finsbury hit the texture criterion, but I had to DIY the pen loops and took the drastic step of cutting the full length pocket to make a flap. Now it's truly mine.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Pen loop, secretarial flap and small pockets down one side for credit cards and business cards.

  5. Secretarial pocket, elasticized pen loop and must lay flat.

  6. Lots of pockets (different sizes), small rings (big rings and being left-handed never works), elasticated pen loop (I can't cope with ultra-slim pens) - and - yes - must lay flat!

  7. 2 pen loops, secretarial pocket, and no zippers or zipped pockets.

  8. Big rings, pocket for appointment icon stickers,durable for school desk use, so preferably wipeable downable/cleanable.With school paint and glue lurking about in the hands of little ones and also myself, and coffee in the staff room, mess on the outer covers is always a possibility!! xx

  9. Big back pocket
    Two pen loops
    At least one zippered pocket

  10. Back pocket, zip pocket and a elastic pen loop

  11. Slim spine (some covers are bulky even with slim rings)

    Secretarial flap or pocket wide enough to hold envelopes taller than binder (I repurpose the notepad pocket for this, too)

    Flexible squishy structure that lays flat eventually - not Malden floppy, or rigid.

    All my keepers tick those requirements. Ones that are missing end up moving on eventually.

  12. Zipper. Secretarial pocket. Krause rings.
