
07 July 2017

Free For All Friday No. 451 by Anita

Looking back through some old posts here, I came across one about my current Filofax resolutions. As we're already halfway through the year, I thought that I'd give an update on how they're going:
  1. To not buy or sell any more binders - haha! However, I have sold or donated more so everything has gone except for my red Winchester and vintage Mulberry agenda
  2. Use up the supplies that I have - this is going really well and I haven't been tempted to buy more
  3. Use the accessories I have or give them away - still a work in progress, so it suggests to me that I could probably donate more than I need to keep
  4. Do an end of year review - completed at the beginning of January and my GTD based set up is still going strong. However, I do fancy trying out a simpler version and will write about that soon
  5. Write more Philofaxy posts and be a guest on the podcast - not yet, but to be done. 
Whilst I haven't achieved all of these yet, I'm feeling pretty content and will be staying in my Winchester for the rest of 2017.

How are you getting on with any Filofax resolutions for the year, if you set any? 

And as always, it's Friday again so please feel to discuss anything planner related. Have a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Like you, I resolved to use up all my current supplies before buying anything new. Have to admit I feel a bit appalled and ashamed at how much I spent on things that never saw much use: washi tape, charms that tore the stitching on my planner, and stickers. A lot of that stuff was donated to others. Taught me a valuable lesson about following fads. That is just not my style of planning.

    I also resolved to use my Fluro Pink personal for the month of June. Going in to July I am still in the Fluro as it gives me a nice spot of color and cheer. Not once have I said "Have you seen my planner?" because that color is a beacon of HERE I AM!
