
19 July 2017

Tell us about...... 15

Organisers are now available in a huge range of colours and types of leather finishes.

What is your favourite colour for an organiser?

Tell us in the comments below.


  1. All my planners seem to be Tan. Goes for almost all leather goods I purchase by the way. The only things I have that are black are Horse tack because that is more practical 😊

  2. Tan would always be my preference too. It's business-like without being all-too-common black. However, for me, binder colour is far less important than how useful the size and contents are.

  3. My favorite color combo would be dark brown with a pale pink ("rose ballerine") interior. Similar to the VDS rose ostrich but normal leather. Also would like an etope binder with pale pink interior. For now I'm waiting for Gillio compagna in grey/ pink combo. But my dream planner is the dark brown/ rose ballerine. I hope I will get one, one day

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  5. I tend to stick with neutrals (browns). Because I keep my planner out on my desk at work and pull it out when with clients or for appointments, I just think it's more professional looking. Maybe the most daring I'd go with is a deep red. I just don't feel comfortable with bright colors or the neon patent ones. I briefly had a Franklin Covey polka dot that I really liked. Was dark brown on the inside and even though the dots were muted, I didn't feel comfortable taking it out in front of clients as it seemed too 'young' for me.. But....that's just me :)

  6. Rose Gold. Especially if the rings match. Ah, drool.

  7. I love a rich cognac, reminiscent of equestrian leather.

  8. I would have to go with saddle brown.

  9. I like bright saturated colors. Teal/Aqua seem to be my favorites, looking at the current collection. But I do love blue, red and orange, too.

  10. Red is my favorite color, so I buy red planners when available. But I do love color in general, so I have pink, orange, turquoise, etc.

  11. At first I was going to say green/blue but on thinking about it I'd have to say my favourite organiser colour would be tan.

  12. Black ... with a hint of Red, Green and Tan

  13. Black ... with a hint of Red, Green and Tan

  14. Red is my favourite. I agree with Tim that binder colour is less important that the contents or right size, but I have discovered that I enjoy using something brighter during the winter months.

  15. I have three favorites, red, purple and brown. When I'm using one I'll miss the others...
