
01 September 2017

Free For All Friday No. 459 by Anita

Whilst looking for some inspiration for my post today, I had a little look around and found that the 1st September is New Zealand's Random Acts of Kindness Day. Therefore I thought that I would take the opportunity to thank you all for being such wonderful and generous people! I love being part of this community, and enjoy hearing so many stories of random acts of kindness and how we all support, encourage and inspire each other. 

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss and/or ask anything ring-binder related. 
Have a great weekend.


  1. I shall never forget how kind my friends were and still are in this community, who grouped together to send me a pick up parcel of gifts when I had been suffering from severe depression, a long story, but due to many life losses, redundancy merger, bereavements and loss of perfect hearing to moderate deafness, as a classically trained and professional musician had all hit tremendously hard.I was suicidal. I took a test at my GP's surgery and was immediately referred on for counseling and Prozac, starting the next day, all very quick. There have been other knocks since, my God daughters and family moving to Australia, though I hear from them so often it's wonderful, dad being suddenly emergency hospitalized, thankfully ok now, but because of this astonishing RAK I was able to cope, know I had loving support and it truly and honestly helped me come through onto an even keel and cope. I shall never,ever forget it, ever. My friend Mandy, a vicar and astonishing lady you know who you are, in Philofaxy also immediately sent out to me practically and still sends me amazing prayers, messages, cards and all round support, along with my dearest friend Dee, you have all pulled me out of this dreadful, dreadful illness and I have found the strength to carry on through because of their RAK surprises and more importantly through showing their love, and loving friendship. Astonishing people and friends. I had done a VDS swap for Filofaxes with a lovely lass, Meg in Australia, and out of the blue, as an incredible surprise, she sent me a Kiki K binder for a Christmas gift. It was the loveliest surprise Christmas gift ever and one day I'll afford to repay her in kind. I just love my VDS we swapped planners for and hope she still loves her bright Finsbury and ink Cuban as much as I adore my cuico dreamboat and Kikki K in soft pink, my favourite colour, how did she know that? She must have been angel guided, she must have. My RAK today, and it is so small in comparison, is to post here,to say if you have depression, seek medical help, don't be ashamed as I was, until it becomes severe and entrenched, get help. If you had a broken arm, you would get help, depression is an illness just the same. The strangest thing happened when I was in a RAK group on Facebook too. As part of my recovery, I was imagining good things, vision boarding, anything to lift my mood and thinking. I just had the thought I wonder if I'll ever travel to Sweden, I'd love to go one day, and had stuck pictures into my vision board.... the lift my spirits up section of my Filofax. I told nobody of this, a private thing really. The very next day, in my letter box was a beautiful postcard of Stockholm scenes and RAK pack, stickers etc from Amanda in SWEDEN!!!!!! It must have been posted BEFORE I even had voiced the thought and vision the day before. And people ask me if I believe in God and angelic guidance. That RAK was I believe to this day, angel sent, and was true serendipity. It shocked me, pleasantly though, the sheer coincidence.

    1. What an amazing story, thanks. God bless

  2. Very recently I saw a photograph of Janet Carr using a non-rings binder. I have never had the opportunity to see this in action so I have questions 1. what is it? 2. How does one use it? 3. Where does one get refills? I wrote something similar but it was never answered. Perhaps this time. Have a great day all..

    1. It's a Van der Spek Codex for A5 Hobonichi bound planners.
