
15 September 2017

Free for All Friday No. 461 by Nan

Since it's September, I thought we'd talk about something academic. Of course, lots of teenage and adult students use some kind of planner to help manage their busy schedules and study time. But ring-bound organizer aficionados like us often love our organizers so much that we use them for much more than scheduling! After all, they come in lots of different sizes, can hold all sorts of paper, and are completely customizable. You can never run out of paper or end up wasting half of a bound notebook when the term ends.

So how do you use your organizer for school? Do you take your lecture notes in it? Do you capture ideas while you're reading? Do you use it for term paper or thesis research?

Of course, since it's Friday, all organizer-related discussion is welcome!

1 comment:

  1. When I did my Masters I used box files and bulldog clips for all my academic stuff, as a binder, even A5 with huge rings was not big enough to store all the research and uni stuff. Only tutorial appointments and submission deadlines in the diary section, a campus map, coded uni passwords, library and photocopier cards went into my then Filofax.
