
29 September 2017

Free For All Friday No. 463 by Anita

From time to time, I hear people asking questions about how to remove unpleasant smells from their binder, like cigarette smoke or mustiness from storage. It occurred to me that from time to time, it's nice to have a fragrant Filofax in a pleasant way instead!

I go through stages of wearing perfume and sometimes fancy a bit of a change. For some reason, it takes me a while to figure out if a new one is right for me, so I will spray some on one of those cardboard tester strips they provide and take it home with me.

I found that they're quite a handy size to hole punch and it's quite nice as I smell the perfume each time I open my binder. I have also dabbed some geranium or lavender essential oil on the strips and it makes for a nicely fragrant binder, as long as you don't put too much on. I drink lots of herbal tea and sometimes they smell much nicer than they taste, so I had a liquorice tea bag tucked in one of the front pockets for a while.

Just wondering if anyone else does this as well? 

And as always as it's a Friday, please feel free to discuss anything Filofax or ring bound planner related. Have a great weekend. 


  1. I thought I was the only one who did this with perfume!! I take care to let the cards dry before putting them in my binder so as not to stain the leather. Some of these free perfume cards are quite pretty too. I also use paint colour charts to make lists with..... Little Miss Frugal here. xx

  2. Not me. I'm allergic to fragrance. But my daughter-in-law loves fragrance and she would love that idea.

  3. A lot of folks are high-allergic to any scent, like me, so make sure these aren't wafting to the person next to you in public. Be aware of how much you're adding.

  4. Well I like to burn incense sticks around the house and I find the boxes retain the perfume of the unused sticks, so I sometimes freshen my Filofaxes by packing them with the incense boxes for a day or two.

  5. I have used perfumes in my planners for about 25 years (and in my books too!). I spray perfume on a note paper and put them in my planners. I use a different perfume in each planner as the scent remains for months. I love it when I open my diary section and it smells nice. People often comment on how pleasant my pages smell.

  6. Never would have thought of this! My husband is super allergic to scent (like some people have mentioned) but I'm not and this would probably be a great way for me to get to smell pretties and have it not bother him!
