
06 October 2017

Free For All Friday No 464 by Laurie

Some of you (including our very own Steve Morton!) are getting ready to go to PlannerCon Europe this month! Other folks may have other conferences to attend, for work or fun.

Do you add a conference-specific section to your binder when preparing for a conference? If so what pages/ information do you include? Or do you otherwise incorporate conference information into your binder?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to discuss and/or ask anything ring-binder related!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Laurie,
    When I go to conferences, I like to make a grid with enough columns for the number of days. I label the rows as hours during the conference day. I go through and decide what seminars I would like to attend. I specify the title, speaker & room #. For some seminars, usually based on who the speaker is, I will likely chose an alternate. My experience is that to be able to get into a seminar where there is a popular speaker, you need to be there and may need to skip the presentation before that one.
