
10 October 2017

Free For All Tuesday No. 349

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away.


  1. Hey There! I'm currently waiting for my replacement personal Filofax Finsbury to arrive (original one arrived damaged in the mail). I've been doing a lot of browsing around online and I'm wondering...where do I begin? haha What is the first thing you did when you picked up your planner? I know everyone is different, but just as an idea, of course. Thanks!

  2. I sat down and did a rough out on paper of what I wanted and needed to go into my planner. It took me a few days to mulch it on over,brainstorm and only to keep what was necessary. Look at a few You Tube vids, but not too many, as that can be confusing. I then printed a copy of my diary onto paper using the free Philofaxy inserts here and a few pages from DIY Fish's diaries on Etsy, a pay upfront system. I can't do without her pull out monthly page and tracker on the back. The monthly page has birthdays on it and National Days, eg Bank Holidays, Valentines Day etc and and I sneak in the odd fun one like National Chocolate Day or National Pizza Day. I colour in the squares to show if I've an appointment that day am or pm. Brilliant for birthday and anniversary reminders. Things change over time though as your life changes too, so you may wish to adapt your systems from time to time. The only way to see what works for you is to try it out, so print off a month's worth and try it. Doing is the only way to discover what works for you. Enjoy the journey.

  3. I have a question. I have been sent some gorgeous photos of my God daughters and want to put them into my A5 Filofax with a few other photos. Is laminating or clear page holder pockets the best way to go, or a photo collage? THANKS!!
