
05 January 2018

Free for All Friday No. 477 by Nan

How is your 2018 planner setup coming along?
Have you already started using it, and even started seeing changes you want to make?
Are you simply continuing some good habits you established last year (that's me!)
Or are you right in the thick of developing a new system?
Are you enjoying a brand-new organizer?

On this first Friday of the new year, as always, all ring-bound organizer discussion is welcome!


  1. My 2018 setup is similar what what I was using in 2017. Only I'm using correctly dated inserts and don't have to customize old ones. I've been looking forward to using these new inserts since I got them in October. Other than the calendar part of my book, I moved some sections around and cleaned out my binder.

    Binder: cut down Mead Flex binder, for a customized system that I've built.
    Calendar Inserts: Franklin Covey Vertical WO2P Seasons.

  2. I am in the thick of it. I designed a month on two grid pages format and a weekly one on lined pages. On the weekly insert one page is twice as wide as the other page and I unfold the wider one. I rely on numerous symbols on the monthly pages such as @ for email and a triangle for a change. I drew my monthly one before I created the layouts in Word. I will print them shortly. I have not printed a dated insert in a long time. It could be a chore.

  3. For general planning, I am using the same system as last year. It is: future planning in my Hobonicchi Weeks (absolute portability when needed), which is tucked inside my personal Malden for lists, ad hoc daily pages etc. I am in the process of setting up other new planners for two key areas of my life . These include : an A4 music planner (tracking practice, learning notes, ideas), and a Hobonicchi B6 for journal.

  4. I printed my weekly layout. One sheet of my weekly insert is about twice the size of the other sheet and there is a crease on the larger one. The correct size of the sheet with a crease is important in unfolding and folding the paper and closing the notebook or binder. There is enough room in my approximate A6 notebook for the weekly and monthly inserts and some undated pages. I place the notebook in my wallet and prefer the essential items in the wallet for projects and transactions. It is pleasant to no longer draw formats and inscribe the dates.
