Today I would like to introduce you to Tara
Hello from the States! I am a silver haired almost 50 year old single mom of a newbie teenager.
I'm a planner user that was "all in" from the very beginning just over a year ago.
I am a very visual person so writing everything down is my way to stay on track.
This Plannerverse has been the most amazing group of people that I am proud to be a part of.
Thank you all for your hospitality and contributions!
1. When did you buy your first organiser and what was it?
October 2016 I was perusing the Filofax USA in the wee hours of the morning and there was a major price drop on the A5 Fusion in stone that I thought I could put to use as a work binder.
I did use it for a while until I started to experiment with sizes and configuration of other planners. The Fusion now is my 13 yr old son’s journal. And my A5 Domino is used for work.
2. Out of the organisers you own which is your current favourite (Style and Size)?
Gigliodoro Compagna croco pocket aka “Freddy” I can’t stop touching it. It looks like it would be stiff but it’s actually a supple leather.
Previously my favorite which will always be close to my heart in its forever home - my personal Ascot purchased from Anita Lim : -)
That Ascot got me down a “vintage” path. I never can get over that it only has 7/8 rings but can accommodate so much more than others of the same ring size!
3. How many Filofax or other brands of organisers do you own?
At last count 27 from Deskfax to mini. + 2 on the way : -) Filofaxes, Gillios & an unknown that was gifted to me. All leather besides the Domino & 1 mini Chino.
I purchase through Facebook Groups, Ebay and also the Adspot on Philofaxy. I’ve bought and sold so many. . . all in the name of refining what I need based on my planning style of the moment which has finally settled down.
There are some that I will never part with which include: Freddy, my Fusion because it was my first, my beautiful first Ascot, Scanda, Gillio medium Compagna gold green, brown A5 Ascot - I had sold one that bought another a few months after.
4. What do you use your organisers for?
My diaries are my way of keeping ‘put together’. My Gillio medium Compagna in gold green is my every day carry. It holds the sections mentioned below. I use Freddy as my wallet. Love that it’s so close to touch when I need a quick ‘fix’ LOL. At work my A5 Domino. It travels to/from with me and I don’t mind the dings.
At home: 2 to store old diaries – Monochrome Originals in personal & A5. 3 for finances – personal Lockwood zip in Cognac it holds my cash @ home sinking funds. Personal Savannah holds a Filofax month on two w/notes diary to track bills due, snapshot budget and monthly expenses.
My A5 Ascot is used for a higher overview of my finances that includes future casting budgets and debt repayment. 1 travel wallet (Malden compact) perfect wallet & planner combo because it has a zipper and I can take my current diary with me.
My personal Finsbury in aqua holds travel info: maps, packing lists, etc. Personal black Ascot holds my contacts and info for my buying/selling of planners. All others are behind a door on a shelf for me to admire when I need an ahhh moment.
I do so appreciate them ALL!
5. How many sections do you have in your organiser and what is each section used for?
1. Notes/brain dump/”in” box
2. To Do
3. Diary section: month on 2 pages used to note birthdays, work vacation time used & appointments, month on 2 pages tabbed for future planning, day on a page that holds the current month only and sits within the tabs of the current month, a week on 2 pages in cotton cream so I can see an overview of the week ahead.
I have the whole year of monthlies, 3 months of weeklies, one month of dailies PLUS a yearly foldout for my workout info distance, daily calories burned & length of time exercised AND a four year foldout that highlights when my son is with his father
4. A-Z tabs in back for addresses and reference items ie my son’s school info is in Z for Zachary
6. If you could design your own Filofax what would it feature?
A gusseted zipper pocket; definitely a back wallet pocket; a secretarial pocket in front and back; horizontal credit card slots that have a slit pocket behind the outer edge (like the Holborns); pebbly medium – dark brown leather; brushed silver rings like my Freddy 30mm rings for personal 20mm rings for pocket
7. What's your favourite Filofax tip or hack?
Some organisers with stiffeners can be coaxed to be more malleable by rolling the covers like dough which breaks down cardboard type stiffeners.
Change out the rings if you can to size up/down. If your planner has a wallet pocket put cardboard in it when in storage so rings leave less of an impression in the leather.
I learned that from Chrissie’s World.
8. Have you ever attended a Philofaxy meet-up? if not do you intend to one day?
No : -( If there was one w/in a day’s driving distance I would definitely attend!
9. What was the last movie you watched?
Gone With the Wind – one of my favorites. Classic!
10. What was the last book you read?
“Me: Stories of My Life” by Katharine Hepburn I’m not too much of a reader. I have good intentions but poor follow through.
Thank you Tara
As you know we are always looking for new people to appear in our 'Reader Under Spotlight feature, you don't have to be 'well known' or a long term user to be considered to appear in this 'spot'. So please contact Steve philofaxy at gmail dot com today.
Hi Tara, Great post! Where are you in the states? There’s a small bunch of us in the northeast.
ReplyDeleteSouth of Pittsburgh PA
DeleteThanks for sharing, Tara! You have a lovely collection, and I completely forgot about those tabbed list monthlies...
ReplyDeleteThey ease of finding the correct day but can hit pen loops
DeleteTara—love your collection! Which Filofax have you added most recently? ;-))
ReplyDeleteA5 Ascot in brown from Facebook group. Gorgeous and classy!
DeleteHi Tara,
ReplyDeleteI'm so glad that the Ascot found such a good home with you & I hope that you have been enjoying using it. Thanks for being such a lovely person to sell to :)
Thanks for sharing, Tara...very nice collection.
ReplyDeleteCan you please share info on the binder on the right side of the first photo; manufacturer and leather color.
Gillio medium Compagna gold green. Exquisite leather
DeleteThought it might be the Gillio...
DeleteThey look great, never had one.......yet... :)