
13 April 2018

Free For All Friday No 491 by Laurie

Today is Friday the 13th! Some superstitions say it's an unlucky day, but I was born on a Friday the 13th so I feel they are lucky for me!

Are you superstitious with your Filofax in any way? Maybe not superstitious per se, but needing things to be a certain way or "just right." For example do you always have to have your monthly pages at the beginning of your planner and the weeks behind (like me)? Or maybe your tabbed sections always have to be in a particular order?

Do you keep anything in your planner "for luck?"

And as always on Fridays, feel free to discuss/ ask anything ring-binder related!

1 comment:

  1. I like to use the same weekly format the entire year. I do not want a particular one for some months and a different layout for other months. On my structure there are long lines on my approximate A6 sheet. I dislike short lines because I elaborate on topics.

    I like dividers with numbers on the tabs because I can use them for different subjects. There are no dividers in my product because I do not want to construct or buy them. I am not interested in drawing lines on file folders and then cutting the dividers. I also do not want to generate them on the computer or other machine. I do not mind trimming the sheets of my weekly layout with a Friskars product because I just cut the paper on the lines I did not draw.
