
29 May 2018

Free For All Tuesday - No. 382

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away.


  1. I love my pocket rings but I notice more and more people going to digital planning, what’s you’re feelings on that?

    1. I use a.combination of both - but as I do not always have access to work calendars or personal calrnder accpunts everything is also in my Malden personal sized diary

    2. I will keep my diary on paper until the end of my days. I was a very early adopter of the Palm Pilot (greatly missed), but after many years I simply realised that an electronic diary wasn't as quick, flexible or able to provide as good an overview as one on paper. That said, all todos which have regular repeating cycles, such as putting out the rubbish, I keep digitally in a much underrated program called Sciral Consistency. I used to keep other todos in Outlook, but after a crash I started putting these in my paper diary instead. I'm still assessing if this is a good solution or whether I need to move those back to digital.

    3. Nah. Paper all the way, baby!

    4. I designed my digital monthly calendar in Word and I like the ease of inputting information on it on my laptop. I record other information on my weekly layout I designed in Word and printed on paper for my approximate A6 notebook with discs and my bound notebook. I will use my weekly format on removable sheets of the notebook with discs through the end of July and the same layout on paper of my bound notebook for the remaining months of the year. I am leaning towards using this layout on paper of two bound books next year.

  2. Usung multie gilofax binders for different things. I have many filofax binders all with different uses. My Topaz mini is my wallet, my Malden personal is my diary, my Malden A5 is for work projects and meeting notes, my Metropol A5 has hobby notes ... the list could go on for ages! What do others use multiple binders for?

    1. Sorry typos!! That was supposed to be muliple filofax not multi gilofax

    2. It looks like your setup is similar to mine. I also use different binders for different purposes. My wallet and portable notes taker/list maker is a Filofax Mini Finchley. My diary is in an A5 Staples Arc, with another A5 Staples Arc as a notes archive. I use an A5 Filofax Notebook for project-specific notes and todos and I keep a backup of my address data in a Filofax Personal Compact Calipso. But I have about 15 other binders, sitting there, drawing me in, so I change the setup regularly.

    3. I use my pocket Finsbury for everything right now but I’m thinking of moving part of it to digital, but I love pen and paper
