
11 June 2018

Tell us about...... 24

If you have listened to the podcast, I'm sure you will have heard Karine mentioning how she colour codes her task list for various purposes.

She will use different colours to signify different categories of tasks. Or tasks that she needs to do away from the home or in the office or in the home in general.

Do you use colour coding in your organiser?

Tell us in the comments below.


  1. I use different color inks for various tasks:
    Dark blue = work during work hours; outside of work hours = various side hustles
    Green = inside the house
    Pink = outside the house / homestead
    Purple = knitting / crafting
    Light blue / teal = writing
    Black = general
    Red = used to cross things off

  2. I have nine colors for my categories. They are routines/organize/plan/GTD turquoise. Family pink, home/vital hunter green, health/wellness purple. Employment blue, finance/ retirement/taxes green, computer/ security red. Genealogy is port red or barn red and leisure is magenta. I'm considering to merge the red and hunter green then call it home information, Safety and Security. I think one of the things Karine was saying was to color code our contexts. I don't think I'll need to do that but I'll consider it if the need arises. My color key is one of those with the colors slightly protruding from the page on the right side. I can see all the affected pages when I fan them to the right

  3. I use colour coding so that I can see at a glance what each entry in my filofax is about:
    purple for planning (filofax, tasks, journal, etc)
    light blue for reading
    pink for birthdays and anniversaries
    green for finances
    dark blue for health (doctor, dentist, etc)
    red for anything important
    orange for my husband (that is his favourite colour)
    black for the cat (vet, cattery)
    and I highlight with yellow for critical events / tasks

    I use Frixion pens and highlighters so that I can erase if things change or my handwriting needs tidying up :-)

    I duplicate everything, including the colour coding, in Google Calendar and an online task list so that I get reminders and haven't lost everything if I lose my filofax. It's time consuming but worth it for peace of mind.

  4. I've simplified to just 7 colors, mostly specific to people.
    2 colors for me (1 work, 1 personal)
    1 for special occasions
    3 for family members
    1 to signify the whole family
