
08 March 2019

Free For All Friday No. 538 by Steve

Lists.... I run my life on lists! Sadly true these days, otherwise I will easily forget something or forget to do something.

I'm travelling again next week so the packing list is out again along with the list of things to do before we leave. A lot of simple stuff nothing complicated, it just has to get done.

The list for the trip sits in between my diary pages for that week in my organiser and it is then there as a permanent reminder and at hand to add things to it or to jot down some notes as I think of them.

Do you use lists? Drop a comment down below.

And of course don't forget it is Friday so feel free to discuss anything organiser related.

Have a good weekend.


  1. Has anybody ever tried putting personal rings into an A5 sized binder?

    1. Hi DavidT,
      I don't know if it's useful for you, but the discontinued Mulberry planner size has Filofax personal rings in an A5 sized binder. Details & photos in this post:

      They come up on eBay fairly often for sale.

  2. Love lists! Always been a list maker. I come by it honestly from my mom and her dad. I love categorized lists if I have many things with a similar theme.

  3. A very useful list Steve, as are the other packing lists you made for us to use. I don't travel as much as I used to but I hope to use one of them in the summer.

    I mostly use lists at work, usually tasks I need to complete whether for that day or week, etc.
    One list I use at home is for family history research as a reminder of which ancestors I want to look up next.
