
15 March 2019

Free For All Friday No 539

Happy Belated Birthday to Steve, whose birthday was this week! I had it written in my Filofax of course. :) There are probably 25 or so birthdays of friends and family that I dutifully copy into my Filofax pages each year. I keep these on perpetual monthly pages in my home Filofax, which I use as a reference when filling in my new planner pages each year.

Do you keep track of birthdays and anniversaries in your Filofax? Or do you use electronic reminders, or a different method?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to ask and/ or discuss anything ring binder organizer related!


  1. The "UNCALENDAR" has inserts that could be punched to fit Filofax, Kikki K, etc. Has anyone ever used them? If so, please share your opinion.

    Thanks and happy weekend!

  2. I use Steve and Ray's 2 months to a page in my A5 BINDER for birthdays and anniversaries and carry a pull out in my Pennybridge, my shopping and purse, (wallet,) organizer, so when I am at the shops I can buy gifts and cards for upcoming birthdays. xx
