
02 April 2019

Free For All Tuesday - No. 426

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away.


  1. I use an A5 planner and have found my ideal size. Last year I fell in love with a compact personal Regency, so decided to have a handbag carry,an EDC, every day carry alongside my A5. Still adore the Regency planner itself. Trouble is co-ordinating 2 lots of planner pages, the diaries for appointments is a pain as I could easily double book or miss appointments through mis-transferring across from page to page. So less planner peace. Do I abandon the handbag carry, the EDC and stick to one planner,one life? Thoughts would be SO gratefully appreciated. Anybody else given up on their EDC?

    1. First congratulations for breaking out into a different size!

      I have found the slim/compact size is perfect for an EDC but I only carry an annual fold-out so when I'm on the go I can schedule future appointments when I'm out and about. So I would suggest anything that you use currently for future planning. . .keep that in your EDC and then leave other diary formats at home.

    2. I have an A5 for my desk and a Mini Finchley to carry with me. What works for me is not to duplicate any more information than absolutely necessary, and to avoid trying to pass stuff between the two all the time. I only duplicate the appointments and tasks that I have for this day so that I have that information on the go. Otherwise, the Finchley holds notes and someday/maybe tasks, which are not duplicated elsewhere. I described the setup here if you're interested: .


    3. I solved this by staying with A5, but splitting the sections between two A5's. The bits I need to access every day, and the sections I don't need to use every day.

      The planner and the one I carry has just the planner and some notes/lists in it. But with capacity to fit in extra pages if required. The other sections sit in another A5 on my desk should I need to access them.

      I've been using this split now for over a year and it works just fine for me.

    4. I love my half-sheet size planner (American 8.5"x5.5" size), but it's a bit bulky to carry sometimes. I also love my B6 size books. I have a refillable B6 notebook that I always have with me, so I can jot something down and check my planner later if I don't have my planner. Maybe the compact personal becomes a notebook that you sync with your planner?

  2. Hello, my ideal size is letter or A4. I just can't live without the big page and room for my large handwriting. It's truly the perfect size for me. But, I too struggle trying to figure out an EDC. It would be wonderful to be able to have my business appointments with me when I'm at the doctor for scheduling appointments. I do not use any program on my phone or computer for planning. There's no way I can carry my large filo and all my other junk. I have a smaller purse. I used to use personal size for years and it was great. But now I'm a lawyer and I don't have room in personal size. I have tried several times and it's just too small. Plus, I can't afford to mess up an appointment forgetting to copy everything from planner to planner. I seem to use it more if I just have one planner and the more you use your planner the better it works for you.

    So, if I have two planners I will do a weekly planning session, like Sunday evening where I copy all appointments and any notes that are important to my big one. You could have a simple EDC with note section of blank note paper and a calendar that functions a copy of your main calendar and maybe a few address pages. Your main calendar could be like your master calendar. When you work in your planner you could use your favorite one and treat the EDC as a copy of essential info you need on the go. That's what I have been trying to set up for myself. But it is hard to have different page sizes. You might even use a bound planner for your EDC but they usually don't have a lot of note pages or address pages. So, you could have a small bound calendar, a little notebook and a small address book for your EDC. But I would like it all in one little planner. So,I'm still looking for a great EDC too.

    Just some thoughts 🙂

  3. Toni your comment about messing up through mis-copying as a potential EDC hazard resonates with me. I think a weekly review is essential with 2 planners. I may just use my EDC as a notebook. But it seems a waste of space that way. Hmmm. Decisions, decisions. xxxx

    1. I think that nothing is a waste of space if it helps you in some way. Having a place to jot little notes will keep me from writing things on post-its and index cards and random receipts (then losing all them lol).
