
14 June 2019

Free for All Friday No. 552 by Nan

What would you do if your Filofax vanished? Don't panic—this is just a rhetorical question. Suppose you suddenly had to rely on something else—your phone or computer, the nearest blank notebook, or a stack of index cards. What would you reach for?

If you had to do without your Filofax, what would be the next best thing?


  1. I have the most important information in duplicity (either online, or in a home planner).

  2. The next best thing for me would be my home management binder which is a standard American 3 ring binder with letter size paper. I keep pertinent information in there for my husband to reference should the need arise such as bills due, family medical and doctor information, our basic grocery lists, etc. It would do in a pinch for those types of items. Coupled with index cards for making and sorting notes, I could get by.

  3. Notebook + google calendar: pen&paper "to do" lists (my so needed "brain-dump") and digital calendar with reminders for appointments.
    In the end, just what I do now, but I'd sorely miss the beauty of my filofax pocket malden.

  4. I would have to get a new one straight away!!!

  5. Prob a notebook I’m already using as a journal. Classic bujo style. Prob not as organized.

  6. No filofax, what a horrible thought! I'd use computer and notebook. For household management I'd use a normal A4 ring binder.

  7. Phone, tablet, laptop, notebook (probably Rhodia webbie or Paperchase Noto). Google Calendar, Todoist and a daily plan made the evening before in the notebook

  8. My next best thing is the notebook I also carry with me. Some stuff in duplicated, but not much. And my Google calendar has 90% of my appointments.
