
12 July 2019

Free For All Friday - No. 556 by Steve

At what point in the year do you start to think about next years inserts? Or have you got yours printed/bought already for 2020?

I am starting to think about printing mine off already, although I don't think they will be moved in to my organiser just yet.

It is of course Friday so feel free to discuss anything organiser related.

Have a great weekend


  1. I've been contemplating 2020, but won't decide for sure until October. I'm also waiting to see if I need to change insert layout for a project that may or may not happen later this year and go into next year.

  2. I'm starting to contemplate the layout I want. And what size planner I'll use next year.

  3. I've already got my 2020 inserts in spare Filofaxes and filled out with known info such as birthdays, renewals, etc. I like to be organised ��
