
02 August 2019

Free for All Friday No. 559 by Nan

When I first returned to the Filofax flock (and joined this blog) in 2005, my chosen page size was A5. I had tried so many different organizational methods and formats, I needed to choose one and stick to it. For a while, that was A5. Since then, I've switched to Personal size, and even to bullet journaling.

Guess what! I'm back to A5, for both my main organizer and notetaking. It feels good!

Have you come home again? If so, to what size and format?

Of course, since it's Friday, all ring-bound organizer discussion is welcome!


  1. Similar but I went the other way, from A5 to A4 around 3 years ago with a Samsonite 4 ring zipped organiser with its own carry handle and Dodo Acad-pad diaries (as I work in education). The A4 was due to the amount of A4 documents and photocopied docs I needed to use and it has been great for that. However, size and weight when I have other things like a laptop has become a problem for both my bag and my arms! And much as I love the Dodo concept it does have a lot of bulk itself due to a week on two thick pages (but with limited writing room on each day). So for September I'm, about to try a downsize back to A5, with probably a more traditional slimmer diary insert. I've just ordered a s/h Filofax A5 Lockwood which only has 25mm rings so I need to really concentrate to keep things compact. I'll see how it goes until Christmas and then decide if I can stay with A5 :)

  2. I have come home again to the personal rings after trying out other brands of bound notebook type planners. The reason it worked out this time is because I ended up getting 4 X 6.75 inserts instead of the usual 3.75 X 6.75 - I was totally surprised how that tiny difference in width made a world of difference!

  3. I tried using a bound planner a couple of years ago, it lasted 2 weeks before I reverted by to my A5 rings!

  4. I am trying A6. A new size for me. So far, so good. xx
