
09 September 2019

Digital Calendar Accessory

It occurred to me the other day that if there was only one bit of electronics I owned and used in conjunction with my organiser it would be some form of digital calendar.

To use a paper planner you need to know what day today is, what the current time is. Yes you can wear some form of wrist watch that will give you the time and date. Isn't that the obvious solution?

What I was thinking of was something like a credit card size 'device' that shows the date and time, and being credit card size it could slot in to a card slot or id pocket in the inside front cover of your organiser. So as soon as you open your organiser you would see what the date and time is.

I looked at first through my own collection of gadgets.

None of them fits my requirements of being 'credit card size' and show the date and time. They all date from the 1990's. The Casio Digital Diary(top left) has no date and time function at all! The TI Card is the perfect size but it is only a basic calculator. The larger Casio Digital Diary (top right) has date and time as well as a lot of other functions, but it is clearly much bigger! Another option was my Psion 5Mx but that too is far too big for this requirement!

Over 25 years later I would have thought something suitable would exist. Thin watches exist, but so far I haven't come across a modern item on the market that is suitable size.

So for now I will stick with a wrist watch/activity monitor, currently my Fitbit Blaze.

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