
22 September 2019

Experienced User - Andrew

This week we will see how Andrew uses his organisers. 

My name is Andrew Coleman. I'm in my late 50s and live in Brighton, England. I work as a  Senior Lecturer at the University of Brighton and as a (town) planning and environmental consultant.

I'm also a Regional Rep for the environmental charity Surfers Against Sewage.

1. When did you start using an organiser?

I bought my first own-brand organiser from WH Smith in the late1980s when Filofax underwent a yuppie revival - and had the p*** taken out of me remorselessly by my colleagues in the public sector!

That one was replaced in the 1990s by a black Personal Buckingham. However, I was aware of them as we had some earlier ones at home - my grandfather had one during the First World War, according to my mother.

2. How has your use of an organiser changed over the years?

It has waxed and waned although increased over the last 10 years as my work and personal life has become more complicated with a 'portfolio' career, a spouse who works internationally and a daughter who has her own developing social life.

I struggle to maintain synced digital calendars on various work software packages and my Filofax is the place I sync them.

3. Which diary format works best for you and why?

I use 2 weeks to view as I find they get too heavy otherwise.

4. What other information do you keep and maintain in your organiser.

I have contact details and info I need to refer to frequently about work and my other interests (including a Fulham FC fixture list).

5. Do you use a 'system' of organisation, and how does it work in your Filofax?

I have a ruler/place-marker and a single sheet 'to do' list that I move forward through the diary and update every fortnight.

I aspire to using different coloured ink pens or highlighters to categorise the diary entries and to do items but haven't found a way of doing it easily (the multi-coloured Bic biros are too big for the pen loops). Other info is in the back.

6. What routines and structures do you use?

See above

7. Do you use one binder or several, and if several, how do you use them?

I'm now also using a slimline leather personal (which looked like it was supposed to be clipped into a bigger one) for holidays and a 'vintage' Microfile as a library for the diary I keep of holiday trips.

I'm toying with the idea of having a bespoke cover made by a local leather workshop which should last the rest of my life and be nice to hand on.

In the meantime, I've bought a secondhand Hamilton as I fancy a brown organiser.

Thank you Andrew. 

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