
08 November 2019

Free For All Friday No. 574 - by Anita

I've been feeling a bit overwhelmed recently, which normally means that it's time to sit down with my planner and have a review and tidy up.

Here's my current process:
  • Gather all my supplies: a cup of chai tea and snacks, iPod and headphones, Van der Spek, hole punch and Franklin Covey storage binder (holds all my spare inserts)
  • Choose some music - current listening to East Forest
  • Remove everything, including from all the pockets
  • Put back the basics: dashboard, section page markers, A-Z dividers, Getting Things Done flowchart, spare paper
  • Take a new lined or blank insert and write out a brain dump to help me get everything out of my head
  • Process this brain dump, any notes in my Inbox (first section) and anything from the pockets
  • Update my next actions lists - anything to mark as complete, delete (no longer needed) or to create a new list
  • Go through my projects lists - do they all have current actions on, do they need any more thought etc.? Anything new to add to my project ideas list?
  • Go through notes and reference material that I keep in my A-Z - anything to update, get rid of or add
  • Congratulate myself on a job well done! 
Do you have a similar process that you go through to get your planner up to date?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything ringbound planner related.
Have a great weekend. 


  1. I have a question, and a bit of a silly one really, but I'd like your thoughts. I take my inserts out to write on them, but don't want to write directly onto the inserts on my dining table where I work,to avoid scratches.I currently write on my page on a newsaper. What do you rest your page on when writing?

  2. I love the GTD flowchart. I shall have to adapt this for my own fF and diary system

  3. Hi folks, found a solution quite by chance this afternoon. A thick clear plastic board called a messy mat, found in Wilkos here in the UK. Just the right thing to protect table tops from glue rollers,pens etc etc and only £2!!
