
29 November 2019

Free For All Friday - No 577 by Steve

We are approaching the last month of the year. Yesterday, I prepared the 'blog calendar' for 2020. It is a simple Month on One page diary insert, but with some extra information pre-printed on to it.

It looks like a complicated code, but in reality it is just the posts that you see on a regular basis each week.

Over the years I've found it much easier to visualise the dates on when to schedule posts if I view them in the format rather than just the date on the blog editor. It also helps with post numbering too!

What do you pre-plan for the year ahead?

As always on a Friday you are of course free to discuss anything related to ring bound organisers.

Have a great weekend.


  1. I've got a multi horizon planning regime, annually, quarterly and monthly. My London business trips go in for the whole year, so that's done as of mid-October. After that come the days I'm reserving for uninterrupted office time, averaging two days per week, a quarter at a time. Then my business networking, also a quarter in advance. My cricket umpiring is in for the whole season as soon as the fixtures are announced, even though I don't yet know where I'll be going. I have a couple of sets of evening dates already in for the year. After that my disposable time is my own!

  2. Hi David, does your planning regime include goal setting? Do you use any kind of system, such as GTD or DayTimer, etc? Thanks, Micha

    1. Hi Micha. I use the GTD system, sometimes in a Daytimer binder. I haven't set goals for some years, preferring instead to treat them as Projects (committed to) or Someday/Maybe (not yet committed to).

    2. Thanks. I haven’t done real annual planning with goal setting but I want to give it a try for 2020. Have ordered the Filofax Time Management 2PPD inserts which include pages for annual, monthly and project planning. Will reread the GTD Paper Planner Guide for some inspiration as well.

    3. Good luck with your plans Micha!
