
05 November 2019

Free For All Tuesday No. 457

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away with any questions and comments.


  1. With the Bullet-Journal trend going around, how has the filofax community reacted to it? I have moved the bullet journal to my A5 Malden - though this year I'm using a notebook - and I've found it that the filofax system improves by far the bujo experience. However, I'd love to see more on this.

    1. I think I'm going to steal your idea! I tried the Bullet Journal Method in a Bullet Journal book... stopped after 11 months! Maybe do it in my A5 VDS for 2020.

    2. There are a couple of posts on here plus some inserts you can download and print:

  2. You can find plenty of videos on YouTube about doing this....

    Check it out...

