
13 March 2020

Free For All Friday No. 592 by Nan

One of the many offerings here on Philofaxy is the printable diary inserts. They were created by Steve Morton and Ray Blake, whose website is My Life All in One Place.

By now, you've probably printed your 2020 inserts, or are ready for a change and printing new ones! I just though I'd share mine as an example--two pages per day, with two pages per week for a longer-term overview. I printed the weekly ones on a different color stock to make it easier to find my place!

Got any pictures? Share away in the comments.

Of course, since it's Friday, all ring-bound organizer discussion is welcome!


  1. I have a weekly diary fixed appointments on the left hand page of my planner and tasks on the right hand page. I print a daily page each day and decant what is happening onto that daily page. It lives to the right hand side on top of the tasks page. Helps me to focus on just today. Each night I toss out the old one and replace with the next day's today page. I also only use stickers just a few minimal ones on my today pages. I also use a small smily paper clip from cult pens to mark my date, again to focus my eye on toda. Another thought here..... my dad has had a lunch event for Monday cancelled today because of Coronavirus. Anybody else had to change plans because of it? How are you all out there in Philofaxy Land I am wondering? Sending love to one and all my planner buddies in these times. Thanks for sharing your setup Nan. xx

    1. Whilst everything around me is being cancelled and closed, I'm keeping calm and carrying on. I work from home anyway, have no children to look after with the schools closed, attend no large social events (my German lessons are continuing regardless), my cupboards are no fuller than at other times, and I'm not expected to have a sudden need for several pallets of toilet paper :-) . I'm also generally unaffected by flu viruses (famous last words). Most people around me here (in Germany) seem to have the same, unflappable, attitude. Let's hope it stays that way! Thanks for the wishes, Butanben - let's hope everybody else in Plannerland is as unaffected as we are!

  2. The college I work at hasn't decided if it's going to close yet, and my coworkers are freaking out about supplies and having to work from home. Another planner buddy and I set up our plans earlier this week just in case we do have to work from home. We figured out what parts of our jobs could be done from home, what we would need to take home with us, make a cloud-based doc with necessary links-usernames-passwords (I know this isn't safe, but extenuating circumstances), and for me: a reminder list of what projects I can/should work on while at home. Fun times.

  3. Cori, you sound well on top of everthing. So well done there,impressive. A planner sure does help. Dad is being his usual sensible and stoic self here. He says Tescos in our town is out of toilet paper though!! Madness. All we have is a few tins in the cupboard, but not loads, and bread in the freezer for toast!! As dad says, if you are ill, the last thing you feel like is food!! And when well, a walk for food will be ok after 2- weeks abed! So interesting to read our comment Graham common sense seems the best pathway, as you say. Love to all. Jane. xxxxxx
