
20 March 2020

Free For All Friday - No. 593 by Steve

When the modern equivalent of a curfew descends on you in your country of residence, in my case France, you now need to valid excuse to be outside of your own house and a document to that effect (see picture).

You quickly realise you need to make some adjustments to your normal week!

My planner has been 'centre stage' this week with things being rescheduled, appointments cancelled until further notice etc.

I've been planning through a few small projects at home, but ones I can complete using only DiY supplies I already have. Not a bad thing in a way.

How are you coping?

Of course it is Friday so please free to discuss any other topic that might be around organisers of any type.


  1. It's not that bad here yet (US, Georgia) but we are all encouraged to stay home unless absolutely necessary. We have been doing ok so far (I work from home so this is not terribly unusual for me) - Finding ways to step outside on the porch for a few minutes each day just to get some sunshine and fresh air.
    My planner has a LOT of crossed-off things and I'm using my daily pages to journal a little about the developments. It will be good for posterity.

  2. Feel like I'm at ground my office is in the basement of a hospital...

    Pretty crazy here the past few weeks....and will likely be for some time to come...

    My planner and trusty fountain pens help keep me sane....

    Wash your hands and don't touch anything, is my mantra these days...



  3. Hello Steve,
    We are coping by watching television and playing Nintendo 😊 and I would like to try a personal size Filofax setup. I would like A fat little filo that holds everything. Do you know which personal size Filofax has the biggest rings? Thank you ☺️

    1. Hi Toni, I am not aware of any new Filofaxes with 30mm rings. There was a vintage Filofax version with 30mm rings, called Cavendish personal. I also have a Guildford Zip (personal size) with 30mm rings, which was coming with doggy rings and its a big brick. So, I'd recommend hunting for a Cavendish instead on ebay. Good luck!

    2. Here is one of Steve's excellent posts that is about the Cavendish with 30mm rings:

    3. Thank you very much. I will search for a Cavendish, that is exact what I would like. A binder that had a large capacity but has a rounded spine so it's easy to carry. 😊

    4. sorry: not "doggy" rings but buggy rings (slightly gapping)!

    5. Also look at the Van der Spek 'Touch Me' range the 'Standard' size is the same as Filofax Personal and they are designed for 30mm rings. You can also get the same binder fitted with 25mm rings but they are made for 30mm rings and take side tabs etc.
      They have two pen loops and a big back pocket as well as lots of other pockets too.
      Do a search for Van der Spek

  4. Our gas boiler failed this week, leaving us with no heat in the house while also having to stay in and work from home. The overall effect has felt a bit like a return to the years of austerity in the UK during the 1970s. Hoping to have the replacement boiler up and running very soon now.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. We run what is normally a holiday cottage (vacation rentals) business. It has been one cancellation after another as guests from all over the world have been unable to get to us. The spring and summer seasons are completely wiped out and I fear the autumn will be too. Many small businesses will not survive.

    The only positive is that my organiser has certainly been in constant use!

  6. My now empty weekly pages have names of my friends, family and neighbours filling them as I list who I talked to on the phone and when. This way I remember when I last called someone, what they needed, or if they just needed a listening ear.

  7. An awful lot of cancellations and socially there's a huge void in my planner, as not even church services are happening here. My dad's birthday Sunday lunch out will not now be going ahead as all restaurants are,from today closed except for take aways. A roast chez nous is now planned on in, with cake and wine,yay! I am not complaining about any of the lockdowns, as such minor inconveniences compared to how seriously ill some folks are becoming, and minor stuff when I think that families are even being bereaved here.Horrid. If doing our own little bit helps, then it is all grist to the mill and to the good of all. No hardship after all in sitting on the sofa reading books either. My repertoire of home made soups seems to have increased too. x
