
10 April 2020

Free for All Friday No. 596 by Nan

It's safe to say that COVID-19 has changed all of our lives in one way or another. It's also safe to say that, if you're reading this, you're using an organizer to help manage the changes in your life, or you're at least thinking about doing so!

How is your organizer helping you deal with the changes to your work, family life, education, and health? Are you using it more, or less, than you used to? Or have you developed a whole new way of planning out of necessity?

And as always on Friday, feel free to discuss anything ring-bound organizer related!


  1. Using this time to really reflect on what I need in my planner and why. Trying to be as productive as I can so have rethought the inserts and set up that don't work for me. May have overspent as Etsy because of it but am confident I've made the right decision. Stay safe all

  2. Have you got a You Tube set up video, Welshy Girl, of your new layouts? I would love to see the changes you have made and newest Etsy purchases. This Coronavirus/Covid 19 has made me re-jig my planner this week, but I am sure I have over-complicated it more and been too fussy in adding "new stuff" in what after all are far less complex nowadays for me!!! I need a planner de-tox now I think!! xx

    1. Hi, no I don't to be honest but was thinking of setting one up and haven't had the inserts yet although they were sent out yesterday. They're from SortStuffOut on Etsy and are fold out monthly planning pages and weekly insert ones along with some monthly dividers as I'm trying to plan by month now with a year planner for the big overview. Have spent too much time (not to mention money) on various planners to fix both life and personal and now I've found the solution! xx

  3. Thank you so much for the info. I will look up SortStuffOut. Happy Easter to you. xx

  4. Happy Easter to you too, do let me know if you'd like any further info on the inserts or anything, happy to share how they work out. Personal sized by the way, bought myself a Christmas gift of a stone Malden which I love so it's my wallet and planner combo. Take care xx
