
22 May 2020

Free For All Friday - No. 602 by Anita

Photo by RenĂ¡ta-Adrienn on Unsplash
In my previous Free For All Friday, I mentioned the possibility of moving up to A5 again after using mainly personal for many years. Whilst working from home, I admit that the larger size is definitely more tempting as currently I don't need to consider portability. However, I am not normally one to rush into a major planner change, so for the time being, I have decided to see if I really need the change, or if it's because I just fancy something different!

Have you changed planner sizes since the pandemic started?

And as always, please feel free to discuss anything ringbound organiser related.
Have a great weekend.


  1. I've been in A5 for a good while now, and although I'm occasionally tempted to move back into personal, as you say, currently there isn't a great need for portability so I find it quite easily to stick with my A5.

    Mrs P is very kindly buying me an A5 ochre Malden as a birthday present, so that's likely to cement my commitment to A5 for the foreseeable future. I really want this to be the last binder I ever buy and I plan to offload all my other A5s (I've already sold the Kendal), and maybe my Personals as well (although a handful of those have sentimental value which probably means I'll keep them on).

    The portability problem is being solved because my lovely mother-in-law, who lives with us, is buying me a rather nice messenger bag - so from now on the Malden will travel in the bag, if and when mobility becomes a thing again.

  2. Sorry folks, I *know* this has been asked before, but can I have your recommendations for best Filofax hole punch please? I have one (can't remember the make and it's at the office), and it's great - can be adjusted between Personal and A5 hole spacing - but I'm open to suggestions. A5 hole spacing essential, Personal hole spacing a really helpful side benefit.

    Thank you!

    1. This is the one I use:

    2. It does, Personal, A6, A5. Solidly made as well. I have had mine at least 8 years

    3. Thanks Steve, I think I need to have one of these at home as well as at work, so I'll be ordering

  3. Love my Rapessco one! Takes a bit of fiddling,but not much, to set the plastic lugs correctly, but is pretty durable. xx

  4. Didn't know that!!! Use mine for A6 Steve, so assumed it worked the same for A5!! Thanks for clarifying, as I do switch back to A5 sometimes. xx

  5. Can I ask about highlighters and which folks use if any? I use a Uni Pin gel pen in my VDS planner and want to use a highlighter on my daily pages. Which make and colours do you use? Do you highlight finished tasks or those yet to be done and transferred again? Or only highlight vital stuff. Anyone tried Tombows? If so which shades? Thanks muchly.

    1. Hi, I use Sharpie highlighters...not bought especially for my planner though. They are bright so I’m thinking of getting some pastel shades. I only highlight entries so they stand out, usually after the event.

    2. Have you tried the Pilot Frixion ones? I use them a lot and they're also erasible like the pens.

    3. Thanks folks for the help.

  6. I started my year with my personal, then moved on to another brand planner. And now again this May, I want to plan again with my personal, but I'm looking also for pocket size. Oh this is confusing :(

  7. I started with my personal size for this year. Then I switched back to another planner brand since I want more space to write. Then I want to go back to my personal again but I'm looking at pocket size too. Oh its confusing :(

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. This stay-in-place has been way too expensive for me. I have been faithful to personal size for more than 15 years, but I fell down the rabbit hole and bought a cute little pocket Chino. And then somehow, over the next 4 weeks, I also bought the raspberry and the black Originals and a couple others. Now I'm running rampant through Etsy looking for inserts. I should be ashamed of myself.

  10. I keep convincing myself I don't need to try pocket size again, or splurge on a mini size!!! Was thinking of a new planner just for my handbag,for portability, yet don't use a planner out of the home and running 2 side by side never works for me. I can sympathize, yet that said, planning creatively can be a hobby as well as highly useful!! I don't smoke, drink or eat out anyway, so my indulgence is buying planner goodies from time to time!! ENJOY YOURS!!

    1. I'm loving every minute of this slight insanity. It has made me look at my planning differently to see what needs to be streamlined to fit this smaller planner. But it is fun and I have not been bored at all during the stay-at-home days!
