
04 August 2020

Free For All Tuesday - No. 496

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away with any questions and comments.


  1. Happy Tuesday Philofaxy. How does everyone keep their leather Filofax/other brand binders looking good? I use Autoglym leather cleaner and Autoglym leather care on mine and the leather looks great and remains flexible with these car products!

    1. Cadillac Boot and Shoe Leather Lotion is great to put life back in the leather. It really restores the softness and shine without being greasy or changing the texture of the leather.

  2. My binders look great as they are, but you're right, I should give them a cleaan up wipe from time to time. Especially in these Covid 19 times. Very lax of me that. Guys, just DON'T use baby wipes or similar WITH ALCOHOL on your planners/binders!! The alcohol will strip your planner colour. I must admit ahem, I have used a soft duster with some Mr Sheen furniture polish in the past, not the best idea, but meant to be safe for leather. xx

  3. On a different note, the other day I went to change out my VDS into a second one, a lighter colour for Summer, and found I couldn't move out of my Touch me Noir from VDS. The configuration of pockets is just perfect and I was so reluctant to give them up for the other A6 binder in croco with a different layout. Could this be planner peace at last? Anyone else had this problem?
