
10 August 2020

Vintage or Classic Organisers

The debate about what is and what is not a 'Vintage Filofax' has been discussed endlessly, most people seem to agree that anything before some time in the 1980's is considered 'Vintage' although you will find people on Ebay using the terms 'Vintage' and 'Rare' or 'Very Rare' for anything!

Let's put 'Vintage' to one side for now, we will park it for the time being and come back to it later.

For a moment think about the term 'Classic Car' you will see this phase used for anything no longer in production. They don't have to have been expensive either to be considered a 'Classic'. Before I get carried away and you lose interest, let us now think about 'Classic' in terms of organisers.

There has been a 'Classic' Filofax model, we will not just think of that model only. A Classic can apply to anything no matter what age it is. A Classic is one that is no longer in production, it doesn't even have to be rare in terms of the numbers made (Filofax Journey we are thinking of you!)

A Classic could be one we don't often see these days. Or the one that people will often comment 'I wish I had bought one of those when they were for sale'

They can even include ones that were not loved at the time so much, but are now considered 'Classics'

There could be Classics in particular sizes or colours that are still made today in other colours/sizes, for example the Crimson Malden, it was only made in two sizes (Personal and Pocket) and only for about a year.

The Filofax Winchester could be considered both Vintage and a Classic, both terms can apply.

In the car world you hear the term 'Future Classic' this is a model that is still in production or recently ceased production that might become a Classic in the future, in Filofax terms that could be the Filofax Chester or the Heritage.

We might need to come back in ten years time to see if they are considered Classics or not.

With cars you will sometimes hear people refer to a 'Barn Find' these are cars that someone put away and forgot about, only to be rediscovered many years later and got started again. An organiser 'Barn Find' equivalent could be an organiser you discover in a charity shop or on line. The one you wanted to buy at the time they were for sale, but for what ever reason you didn't buy it, then you forget about it only to rediscover it years later.

Classics should be used and cherished at the same time. They should be bought back in to use, may be not for the daily grind but certainly for occasional use.

Classics shouldn't only apply to Filofax organisers either, there could be Classics from other brands too.

What Classics do you own or wish you owned?


  1. There was one with a pretty silver circular buckle that I would have loved in pocket size in black or purple, but for the life of me Steve, I cannot remember its Filofax name! I know you'll know it. To me, it looked like a real classic, Chanel type design. It is no longer made, but not vintage. xx

    1. Was this the Deco? I loved the look of it but never got around to getting one.

    2. Yes the Deco would be considered a Classic.

  2. Yep, that's it, The Deco, Hamish Macbear and Steve.The name had totally vanished from my memory. Thanks. xx

  3. I’m pondering on whether just being a particular colour would really qualify an item as “classic”.
    Perhaps that’s where the over-adopted descriptions you mention of “rare”, “very rare”(or even “ultra rare”) would be more appropriately used!

  4. I am like Chanel here a bit, in that black or black and white always looks chic and classic to me!! But this isn't traditionally a Filofax definition of classic, I know!! Some sellers, but by no means not all, just think that using the word "rare" will secure a sale. Ahem, call me cynical here maybe!!

  5. I have the personal size Deco in the Ebony; I love it!! My first and my favourite still!

  6. BTW Butanben, The Deco Ebony is not black at all. Although many call it brown it is really a very deep brown with strong burgandy undertones. It's a stunning colour in reality.

  7. Not sure if my pocket Filofax Berkeley fits the description for Classic but to me its design is so elegant and timeless that I imagine even in 80 years it will be considered a great design. Plus the quality is much better than other Filofaxes , even the more expensive ones like Croc.
