
26 October 2020

Filofax UK 2002 Catalogue

This is the full UK catalogue from 2002.

This is a photo heavy post (84 pages!) so there is a break point after the first five photos, click the link to see the full post.

The pictorial content of this post is the intellectual property of Filofax Group Ltd. The scans are reproduced here with the full permission of Filofax Group Ltd. for educational and non-commercial usage.

If you have any old Filofax catalogues that you would like to donate to our digital archive, please contact Steve: philofaxy at gmail dot com Thank you

1 comment:

  1. Wow some pretty impressive production values / photo shoot budget happening there! Also, it’s good to finally see Filofax the company recognize one of the most common but underrepresented customer categories: snowboarders ?!? I guess it was just coming into vogue around then LOL
