
13 November 2020

Free For All Friday No 627 by Laurie

I love to play around with different insert pages in my Filofax. I find it especially convenient to print pages to try. It saves me from having to order and wait for new inserts, to possibly find they don't work for me. I love the variety and the ability to experiment with different pages without the commitment of having to buy a whole year's worth of pages.

I enormously appreciate Philofaxy's free insert downloads, and other free printable pages. I have tried numerous times in the past to create my own planner pages, but I'm never happy with how they turn out. They just don't seem to look nice. 

Do you create your own pages for your Filofax? Do you have any tips for making them look nice?

As usual on Fridays feel free to discuss anything ring-binder organizer related!

1 comment:

  1. I use Canva, a design programme that is free, to make my dashboards. There are plenty of You Tube videos to help out as a beginner. I have often wondered which programmes the designers use who sell such professional planner inserts on Etsy. I love printing my own and have designed some in Word, but nowhere near as polished or professional looking. It is fun to design your own bits and bobs, and the Philofaxy pages are so useful and much appreciated. My question is, how many folks have already printed and written up their 2021 pages? I am not looking forward to it as it is one huge task. Yet little by little is the way to go I think. xx
