
09 November 2020

Moving back into an A5 for work - by Anita

Over the years, I've owned a number of lovely A5 Filofaxes, but eventually sold them all as I never fully used them. For a very brief period of time (not even a week), I used an A5 Malden as my only binder, but realised that it was just too large for me to carry around. I guess that my defining moment was whilst packing for a weekend martial arts course and realising that my A5 wouldn't fit in my bag! 

Due to COVID-19, our household has been shielding since March, so I feel very grateful that I can easily work from home. In my previous job, I had been using a slim hardbound A4 notebook, along with Wunderlist to track my recurring tasks. For some reason, I have never used a Filofax for work and now that I think about that, I'm actually not sure why! 

I have recently started a new job solely working from home, so decided that it would be the ideal time to treat myself and use something nicer for my new role.

Until my new A5 arrives (a red Belgravia purchased from Alan), I am using my DIY A5 binder: 

  • Dashboard - a wonderful birthday card that my lovely husband gave me years ago
  • Held together by individual binder clips that I previously purchased to store inserts
  • An Oli clip to function as a fastener and pen loop
  • Spare envelope for holding bits and pieces
  • Inserts - I'm on a mission to use up what I already own, so I'm tearing pages out of notebooks/diaries and hole punching
  • Dividers made from origami paper - my first attempt in the photo, so I may change these slightly
  • Back page - I purchased something from the Getting Things Done shop ages ago and this alternative workflow diagram was included. 

Today was my first day with my new company, so I haven't written much yet, but I will be using it to write notes during subsequent Zoom training meetings and for an online course that I will be completing. 

So, will I also be using personal size in parallel for non work use? (question from David P)
To be honest, I'm not sure yet... However, I could see myself moving over to A5 for both work and personal use now, as portability won't be a consideration for quite some time due to COVID-19 and working from home. 

Once my Belgravia arrives, I shall be writing a review and then further posts on how my work and personal set ups develop.