
18 December 2020

Free for All Friday No. 632 by Nan

Planner...organizer...agenda...words associated with Filofax and other organizers almost always refer to the future. But what of the past? In a recent class, I was asked to write a brief autobiography of sorts. It inspired me to start thinking about how I can use my organizers to look back as well as forward. You can take note of past dates to help take a look at the roadmap your life has taken. You can make lists of movies you've seen and books you're read if you haven't been keeping them all along. Do you ever use your organizer to look back as well as forward?  Of course, since it's Friday, all discussion of ring-bound organizers is welcome!


  1. I’ve kept organiser pages going back to my first one (Time Manager A5) in 1987. For me, I’ve always had a yearly folding inset on which I only add major events. So, certainly not a dental appointment or a film I’ve watched, but things like an overseas holiday, a new job started, a hospital operation, or a major family date. I also always keep my goals pages and a review do the year. I find it hard to cull general organiser pages, but usually do after a few years.

  2. I only use it for a year now, but still have the inserts from last year:)

  3. I was reading the post on the 18th December about the Osterley. I wonder in Filofax havent missed a trick with this. 2021 is the 100th Anniversary for Filofax. I know the brand name wasn’t register until 2030, but when has a date differentiation stop a marketer. It will be interesting to see what Filofax create in 2021 to celebrate 100 years..

    If they made a limited number 100th Anniversary Filofax in 2021 would you buy one?

    If they only made 100 what would you pay for one?
