
29 December 2020

Free For All Tuesday - No. 517

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away with any questions and comments.


  1. So sorry to bother you with this but I've been going nuts (and already wasted a lot of paper and time) trying to print 2021 personal size diary back to back even pages first then stacked and fed from tray also tried booklet print with flip on long edge and I just can't get it right. Already over my head with how to cut and punch those holes with my right arm in a sling so can you please direct me to a step by step entry how to print personal size week on 2 pages (printer HP 8600) with pages aligned (and dates following each other) Gratefully...

    1. Which version are you trying to print? There is a Personal on A4 size paper version and also Personal on Personal size paper version
