
12 March 2021

Free for All Friday No 644 by Nan

What do you do when inspiration strikes? Grab your Filofax (or similar organizer), of course, but where do you put items that are not quite a to-do, not quite a goal, but a possibility?

I often have a tab in my organizer simply called Ideas, and I try to keep all of them there...a vacation I might like to take, a bucket list item, a hobby I want to go back to, a new project I want to start but I'm not sure when I'll have time. 

My current system, Franklin Covey, gives me a blank page every day in addition to the page for my appointments and to-do list. Lately, with my life a little more hectic than it was last year, I tend to write everything I might want to remember on that page. After all, it's right there. I also have the backs of my monthly spreads to record things I want to plan. 

The problem is, when I take those daily pages out and store them at the end of the month, the ideas get stored away, too, unless I copy them over to my main Ideas list. This takes time, of course, but it has one advantage: I only copy down the good ideas! The others can just fade away. 

Where do you put your ideas and inspirations? As always, since it's Friday, all discussion about ring-bound organizers is welcome!


  1. Most of my ideas start on a sticky note on my weekly view then get dealt with or filed later.

  2. I have the exact same problem with the Franklin Covey daily notes pages. It's a nice place to easily capture things, but if I don't transfer things over to a more permanent location they get lost in the abyss. I'm better off capturing things like this in a tabbed section, as you mentioned. Even if it's chaotic in there, at least I always know where to find it.

    1. To track ideas in my Franklin Planner 2PPD, I put the date and idea topic in the Monthly Index page, which stays with the monthly calendar throughout the year. So, if I have an idea worth returning to, I can skim the Monthly Index pages to find it.

  3. Funny I started my travel, books and music I would like to listen to lists over the last year and I use a similar diary system. I also run 2 different filofaxes. I also set down every fee days and go through and copy the ideas across. I like the idea of having a whole section of ideas.mine at the moment are in with allsorts of important things I need to remember.

  4. Time Manager (TMI) organisers had a specific section for ideas. It had its own red divider with a light bulb depicted on the tab. If you’re a bad sleeper like me, it’s a good place to jot down middle-of-the-night inspiration!

  5. I have an A-Z section at the back of my personal Filofax & jot anything down like this on a sheet called ideas. I have added a bit of washi tape at the top, so that I can find it quickly. And I agree with Tim as I have done exactly the same in the middle of the night!

  6. I have a someday/maybe list in my planner where I jot down things I have ideas for and keep it in my reference notebook of my TN, or in my A-Z files of my binder. The monthly index works well with finding info from your daily pages.

  7. I have a wishes page in my GTD someday maybe tab, separate from my someday do this task lists. It reminds me of what can make life worthwhile this wishes page, as not most of life is not meant to be a drudgery of to dos!!!! As Oscar Wilde implied, we must live, not just exist. xxxx
