
19 March 2021

Free For All Friday - No. 645 by Steve

For over 27 years I've been a volunteer for the Radio Society of Great Britain, helping other radio amateurs in UK gain extra facilities on their radio licence. I did a YouTube Live-Stream this week for people wanting to know about the application process that I administer.

The documents they receive have an expiry date on them, normally 12 or 36 months from the issue date. I was asked last night if we sent out reminders before the permission document expires, which we do. However, some people never seem to receive them, but it is ultimately their responsibility to apply for renewal before it expires..

This was my opportunity to get in a little plug about using a planner or setting an alarm in the calendar on your phone! I don't need to ask you if you record reminders for things like that in your organiser, or do I?

Of course it is Friday so please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. Have a great weekend. 


  1. First thing I do with my planner is put all the reminders in like birthdays, tax, insurance etc then I don't have to worry. A bit of admin upfront but has never steered me wrong!

  2. I have a plan years ahead page for big birthdays and irregular stuff like renew passport or 5yr travel pass. Everything else that rolls round goes into my current planner. I also have a when did I last page de-scale kettle is going on that today!!! Stuff like check fire alarms go on there and change batteries on household gadgets. There are so many itsy bitsy tasks to life that overwhelm is a possibility!!!!
