
12 April 2021

A-Z index dividers

A-Z index dividers have generally been used to divide your contact or address pages. With a lot of people using their smart phones for maintaining their contact lists these days, you might thing that the A-Z index no longer has a purpose in your organiser? 

They can of course be used to keep reference information filed in to alphabetical order. The information might not even be related to each other, random information that you need to keep to hand, but you are unsure which section it belongs in. An A-Z divided section might be just right for this type of application. 

Looking through my 'collection' of inserts I was surprised to see the variety of different A-Z index dividers there have been through the years. Here are six examples, there are plenty of others as well. 

Left to Right: Single letter A-Z (1990), Double letter A-Z (1985) Two/three letter Telephone number A-Z (2007)

Even in the same year Filofax offered different designs of A-Z index dividers. 

Left to Right: Coloured double letter A-Z (1985), Mottled effect double letter A-Z (1985), Different shades of blue double letter A-Z (2003)  

Do you have an A-Z index section in your organiser? What do you use it for? 


  1. I have recently started using A-Z dividers in my personal Malden for general information after previously thinking they would take up too much space on the rings. They are proving to be useful for random stuff that used to be filed together in a miscellaneous section.

  2. Use them for my work A5. A lot of the areas I travel to for work presentations have poor to no wifi due to the terrain. The A-Z dividers hold information i need to reference at presentations, phone numbers/passwords for work related sites, medical coding guidelines, specifics for medical specialties, etc. The inserts are invaluable to me.

  3. I use mine for journaling and memory refreshers. For example in our accounting software, I have to do a quarterly VAT return. With it being an infrequent task, I’ve wrote down the steps and where to find the button in software. Before I wrote the steps, I was always looking for the VAT return button every quarter. Frustrating.. Now not.

    Most of the A-Z is based on, marketing initiatives which can be called upon, or ideas that I’ve had but never implemented, ready for when I need them.

    I also use the A-Z for storing junk mail which I’ve liked the layout/flow and I could re-write the copy and place new images.. Or book titles I want to read when I eventually get to take a holiday.. When its safe...

    Some may call it a Someday Maybe Journal. It sits on my desk in a Domino Filofax.

  4. Yes, I have an A-Z as the last section in my Filofax as a reference section & it works very well for me. I have an unbranded set with colourful tabs like the one in this post & also Mottled effect double letter A-Z (1985). My favourite is the 1985 ones as they are very slim, so take up very little ring space & I like the vintage look.
