
23 April 2021

Free For All Friday No. 650 by Anita

Due to my caring commitments, I have recently resigned from my second job as I've realised that I need to simplify, and also so that I have enough down time too. I suppose that this has started me thinking about how I want to do some more decluttering, which will include my organisers as their numbers have snuck back up again! 

This is my current inventory:

  1. My faithful black personal Kensington - my favourite and definitely a keeper
  2. Custom Van der Spek in red and burgundy Janet Leather - some of you may be shocked, but this is on my potential sales list
  3. Purple Litchi Moterm pocket (A7) - still in its packaging as I realised soon after that pocket is too small for me as a main planner
  4. Dark aqua A5 Original - another definite keeper as I just can't see myself using anything smaller than A5 for work. Post to come
  5. Red personal unbranded vintage binder - this is a more recent eBay bargain and another post to come. As it was so cheap, I think I may hang onto this for now for when I fancy a change. 
The Van der Spek is such a beautiful binder, but I'm so content in my Kensington and I just think that I'm not comfortable with chucking a VdS into my bag with everything else, like I normally do with my Filofax. Due to shielding due to COVID, I haven't been anywhere, but I think that I'm just more of a Kensington gal anyway and have sold other binders in the past as they haven't really passed the 'bag test'.

Have you been downsizing your Filofax numbers recently and/or simplifying how you use your planner?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend.


  1. hmmm downsizing my Filofax collection? That would be a no from me ... I just ordered a Malden mini in navy blue.....

  2. I started using a personal back in March 2020 for everyday carry as I found that carrying an A5 around for each day was too much and I needed to keep the larger on one my desk as my work diary as I work from home. I have found using the Personal size I always have a diary on me and also my cards and personal items as well. Works well as a wallet.
