
31 December 2021

Free For All Friday No. 686 by Anita

Wow, it's the final day of 2021!
In some ways, I'm wondering where the year has gone, but it's also felt like a long one too as it's been a challenging time for many, including myself.

December turned into a busier month than expected, so I haven't gotten around to my planned clear out of my Filofax, so I will be doing that today as it feels like quite a good way to finish off the old year and prepare for the new. I've been back in my Kensington since January 2020 and as I have no plans to move out, I think it's time for me to start rehoming some of the others shortly.

Which planner will you be using in the new year?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. Wishing you and yours a safe, healthy, and prosperous new year.

'We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called Opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day' - Edith Lovejoy Pierce.


  1. Still in my Original Folio - the ability to swap between rings, strings and discs as desired so I can make it as chunky or slim as my current setup allows.

  2. I am the same. It has been so busy, I am still working on my set up for 2022.

  3. Happy New Year. Day off, so it's time to clear out my binders. The A5, reference notes, is done. Now for my EDC, FC Compact. Play time.

  4. ready for 2022 in my black gillio personal size. Happy New Year Steve and thank you for your blog. I'm "here" every week :)

  5. ready for 2022 in my black gillio personal size. Happy New Year Steve and Anita, thank you for your blog. I'm "here" every week :)

  6. I also use a personal size as a wallet and for lists. I keep a month on 2 pages insert in it with birthdays and other special dates I might need to reference when I am out and about.
