
20 January 2022

Flatability - What is that all about....

Flatability is a term invented by our friend Neil to describe how easily an organiser opens and stays flat without you having to hold it open. 

I know I've struggled in the past with organisers that struggle to stay open, 'training' them to lay flatter. 

I think the worst case of this was my Cuban Zip, it's a lovely Personal size organiser with large 30mm rings. Whilst I can get it to lay flat, as soon as I zipped it closed and then reopened it was back to as it was before, it needs flexing again to lay flat!

Neil has produced some excellent videos in which he reviews different Filofax models from the 'back catalogue', naturally he gives them all a 'Flatability' score. 

His videos also cover how he uses his organisers and his GTD set up. 

Very recently Neil has added his channel to Patreon and there is some exclusive content to be had on that platform. So take a look, the lowest tier costs less than a cup of coffee, please give Neil some support. 



  1. I have always loved Neil's videos--Always very informative. Please check out his older GTD videos explaining his system. I am still using parts of this system today after 10 years. It is so good to have you back, Neil!

  2. Flatability is a characteristic that Robert tracks on Filowiki.

  3. Flatability is crucial. Your Filofax should be a friend, not a foe to fight with.
