
11 February 2022

Free for All Friday No. 692 by Nan

Filofax organizers are great for planning things such as appointments, schedules, and tasks. But what about tracking the time you spend doing the things you do every day, such as working, resting, rehearsing, reading, watching video, and so on. 

In a Filofax, you can use a diary where the hours of the day are marked. Or you can make up your own time tracker. Do you have a favorite time tracking solution? 

As always on Friday, feel free to discuss anything related to ring-bound organizers!


  1. Hi there,
    ok so… I feel a bit awkward asking but my research really hasn’t brought anything up related to fixing a broken filofax zip. So I hope it‘s alright that I bring this question here.

    I love love love my The Purse and I somehow managed to break the zip in my daily usage - it has been sitting in my drawer for months now since I have absolutely no clue where to start.

    Does anybody have any experience & ideas they would share? Anything at all would is highly appreciated.
    Thank you so much!

    Best, Anri

    1. Look for an old fashioned cobbler. They might be able to replace the zip. We have one locally that's used to replacing zips on boots, handbags, coats, etc. Your cobbler might too. Although our cobbler is something very rare in what she does.

      Failing that call a few clothes altering services.

      Whatever zip it has I'm sure a professional in a relevant service will be able to source a suitable replacement zip.

      Once you've found someone and they do a good job then remember them. Recommend and use them as often as possible. Quality services like these are rare but really need to be supported. IMHO always better to keep things and repairing them than simply disposal and replacing them.

  2. Hi there,
    ok so… I feel a bit awkward asking but my research really hasn’t brought anything up related to fixing a broken filofax zip. So I hope it‘s alright that I bring this question here.

    I love love love my The Purse and I somehow managed to break the zip in my daily usage - it has been sitting in my drawer for months now since I have absolutely no clue where to start.

    Does anybody have any experience & ideas they would share? Anything at all would is highly appreciated.
    Thank you so much!

    Best, Anri

  3. I use my Filofax to record time spent on managing websites for paying clients, not that it is a full time job by any means, but the odd hour here and there start to add up over a period of months.
