
24 February 2022

Tracking Your Weight Loss In Your Organiser

Keeping in trim and keeping a close watch on your own weight is not easy. 

Yes some of us are blessed with the ability to be able to eat anything without our weight increasing a pound/kilogram, sadly I am not one of those people!! 

I'm sure a lot of you use an 'app' to keep a track on your weight and other health data. But if you aren't comfortable about sharing this sort of information with a faceless corporation somewhere on the internet then a paper record kept in your organiser is much more private. 

I've devised this simple monthly record sheet in Personal size and A5 size that you can download and print, modify it as well if you wish. 

I think it is fairly self-explanatory in how you can use it. I've entered 1-31 for any month, but you can remove those if you wish. 

Enter your start weight and the date and your target weight in the header box. Then enter your weight each day, you can then simply work out how much you have lost/gained since the last weigh in. The next box is the total weight loss since you started. The notes will allow you to record things like 'Heavy meal' 'Hard exercise day' or what ever. It will help you spot trends and it might help you adjust your intake/exercise regime to benefit your weight loss goals. 

Before you start any form of diet it is best to seek medical advice as to what you should be aiming your target weight to be compared to your current weight. 

Philofaxy Weight Chart

Here are the files:

Download the files and you can print them direct on to Personal Size paper, or A5 paper, or scale to A6 size paper. 

As always: 

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.Please download, adapt, use, share, but do not charge or use commercially.

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