
04 March 2022

Free For All Friday No 695 by Laurie

My Filofax helps me to be mentally resilient, which is a challenge for me. I like to make plans, and feel disrupted when those plans suddenly change.

But I have found the flexibility of changing pages in my Filofax according to my immediate needs lets me pivot quickly when circumstances change.

For example, if I have to travel at short notice, I can just pop the pages relevant to the time I'll be away into my slimline binder and off I go.

If my planning needs change (as they so often do) I can switch out planning pages to work for my new situation.

And when my goals, focus, or priorities change, I can update my pages and/ or tabbed sections accordingly.

Not being stuck with bound pages helps me feel calm and prepared, knowing I can have all the relevant information and planning pages I need, when I need them.

How does your Filofax help your mental resilience?

And as always on Fridays, feel free to ask and/ or discuss anything ring binder organiser related.


  1. Hi Laurie, what Filofax model and size are you using at the moment?

  2. I'm in an A5 Finsbury in the Coral color. Love it. The slimline binder I referred to in my post is the A5 Heritage. Great for traveling.

  3. For me, a ring binder is the ultimate flex tool. Just like you, I change out inserts as needed, which is great when life feels overwhelming. As much as I love the idea of a bound book for all the things, I need to be able to remove what is no longer working and keep the year-long or other long-term stuff around while having updated planner inserts.

    1. Yes this is what I love the best. I can keep some things in year after year, some things in for the relevant year, and other things can come and go as I need.
