
15 July 2022

Free For All Friday No. 714 by Steve o.b.o. Anita

What model was your first Filofax? 

As always it is Friday so please feel free to discuss anything else Filofax related. 


  1. A Windsor personal which I still have-these days though I have several including a Malden personal and a pillar box red original personal and a green A5 Original for work.

  2. Burgundy Windsor bought in 1993 (from Bentalls if anyone remembers them) which I still have in my collection.

  3. A cherry personal Classic - not one that I'd recommend though, as it was later replaced (with a Malden) by Filofax as it developed the cracking/bubbling of the leather coating that these can suffer with.

    (Thank you, Steve, for kindly stepping in as I was meant to write today's FFAF, but wrote the wrong date in my calendar!)

  4. Green Kensington in personal size <3

  5. A pocket pink metropol I believe, I think it was the breast cancer one they did a long time ago, I was about 13/14 I think! Nice little organiser.

  6. A grey leather 7/8 Winchester with a green leather change purse, bought sometime in the mid ‘80s, from the Bristol branch of The City Organiser in the Broadmead Arcade. It was a simpler time…
    Sadly, after succumbing to The Device some years later, I donated it to a charity shop. That was a few years before the resurgence of Filofax, and when I moved back to paper a few years later I rather regretted such a rash decision!

  7. A red Personal Metropol, which I still have.

  8. Domino, personal size.

  9. Pocket Windsor in brown. I still love it, and it now holds holds my TBR lists.

  10. Pocket Hamilton in black from 1998 or 99, still have it :)

  11. Filofax Nude patent in the personal size

  12. I recently times, a Hampstead Personal bought in WH Smith (those were the days) in Newbury circa 2000. However I had been a TMI user since the 1980s. I still have the Hampstead.
