
12 August 2022

Free For All Friday - No. 718 by Anita

I have a confession... I haven't been using a Filofax for the past 2 months!
Life has been fairly full-on for the last number of years, so I've realised more recently that I just don't have much spare energy outside of working and spending time with family. Therefore I decided that potentially this could be a useful time to have a break from using an organiser, whilst I'm focussing more on resting in general and also recovering from COVID. 

I've been using an A4 hardback notebook for work and a pocket Moleskine (in my Raydori) for anything else that I'd like to keep track of. However, on purpose right now I'm not writing much in the Moleskine, but I'm glad that it's there to get things out of my head and for when I am thinking more about what I'd like to do in maybe a couple of months. It's been a good hiatus from planning and I think that I'm now ready to start thinking about getting back to using my Filofaxes for maybe the beginning of September. 

Have you recently taken a break from using a ring-bound organiser and if so, did you find it useful?

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend. 


  1. I recently went on a week long Photography Vacation in the South of France, south of Toulouse... a long drive even for me! Also in very high temperatures.

    I took my A5 Van der Spek with me, you know...just in case. But it stayed in my bag nearly all week untouched. We were given a notebook by our course tutor, but I didn't use that either! I did bring it home though... you know to add to my pile of other unused notebooks!

    I very quickly got back in to the groove though on my return, lots to do, so I was back to using my organiser straight away.

    I don't think it does any harm to have a break, it lets you focus on your needs and requirements. A bit like going away from using a particular size of organiser and then going back to it later, but with different inserts.

    And a big Happy Birthday to Anita... have a good one.

    1. I did the same when I last went on holiday, took my Kensington & didn't open it at all during the week, which was a good break. Glad that you had a vacation doing something that you enjoy. And thank you for the birthday wishes!

  2. I have been in a rehab home for intensive physio following knee and hip surgeries with metal pins and plates,My planner stuff is at dad's place. You inspired me Anita to treat myself to an A5 William Hannah notebook in the same colours as you bought. I've got a diary, to dos dailies and grid paper, So my Ring binders have lain fallow. I will re-use them for 2023.

  3. Happy belated birthday. xx

  4. I’ve just had a few days hiking (trekking) and camping in Swaledale/ Wensleydale. Low rucksack (backpack) weight was crucial (at my age!) and a number of items had to be jettisoned. This included my Pocket Filofax. Did I miss it? Not at all! I use my organisers for planning and strategic stuff. It did no harm just to enjoy the scenery and forget being organised for a few days!

  5. Yes, I almost switched to a bullet journal system earlier this year, but for a number of reasons, I switched back to rings (at least for the rest of this year).
