
23 August 2022

Free For All Tuesday - No. 603

So what questions or discussion points have you got for us today?

It doesn't matter if you are a beginner or a more experienced user of organisers, we want to hear your thoughts, questions, opinions etc.

We are here to answer your questions.

Make today the one day you post a comment or a question.

It is Tuesday after all so fire away with any questions and comments.


  1. OK folks, I am interested in your planner sections in order, ie divider sections. I am needing a planner re-set for 2023. Thanks. Jane

    1. Personal size:
      Planning calendar tab: Special days (bdays, etc), Weekly Inserts (for the rest of the year)
      Goals tab: Personal mission, Goals (one page per goal)
      Key Information tab: Health pages (one pg per family member)
      Lists tab: I love lists, so I have lots of them
      Addresses/phone tab: Contacts pages

  2. Personal Size:
    1) Vertical year planner
    2) monthly inserts (usually only 3 months worth - currently 2 months)
    3) "Research & Ideas"
    4) "Recipes & Cooking" (I like to carry my weekly recipes to the grocery stores)
    5) "World of Warcraft" (gaming notes, character to-do lists/needs, addon configuration details, quest details,etc.)
    6) A-Z tabs for filing different information

    An A5 is used for extensively for work. Simply too much to reference/track/do for the one book way of life. Keeps a solid boundary between work and personal lives.

    1. I like the idea of a hobbies section like your section. Thanks.

  3. Mine are the following:
    1) Diary, with filofax one day per page inserts. Usually, I a only have the next 3 weeks in this section
    2) Lists, with to-dos and shopping lists
    3) Works, with an 's' since I am an artist. This section is made for anything related to art
    4) Journal
    5) Notes, which contains quotes from articles or podcasts, etc.
    6) Contacts

    I also have cards and band-aids in the planner cover. The band-aids are very helpful. I give them to my relatives whenever someone needs one or use them myself.

    I only use a personal size planner.

  4. I'd love to keep a simplified journal if the pages will fit in my planner. I will investigate your idea here for 2023. Thank you.

  5. My daily-use Personal Portland is set up as follows:
    1) 'diary' at the front with tabbed monthly dividers - where I write all my appointments and reminders
    2) 'my notes' pages where I've written plans, quotations, research notes, lists, records of phone conversations, directions - things that occur to me
    3) 'information' contains printed sheets of annual reminders, birthdays etc, ingredients for recipes - things I look up and consult, that don't need amending
    4) 'blank paper' of various sorts (when I've written on the 'blank paper' I move it into 'my notes'
    5) 'car information' - insurance details, etc.

  6. This is LaDonna. I use an A5 planner with the following sections:

    1) Inbox
    2) A-Z tabs
    3) Week on 2 pages inserts
    4) Food Journal
    5) Day on 2 pages inserts
    6) Month on 2 pages inserts

    This would be a great topic for guest blog posts especially with pictures to show how different bits are used.
