
09 September 2022

Free For All Friday - No. 722 by Anita

I've found myself recently doing a bit of browsing for second-hand Filofaxes, which has surprised me as I've been in my Kensington since 2020 and feeling quite content. As mentioned in my previous Free For All Friday, I've been having a bit of a break recently from using an organiser, so I'm just about to move back in and will write more about my set up to help me get back up to date. 

And then it occurred to me that I think that I've caught that 'back to school' feeling, as I always enjoyed that time as a kid as it could mean new stationery! Even though you can update the contents of a ringbound organiser, I also think that there is a certain something along the lines of starting a new notebook, when you move into a new or different Filofax. Maybe it feels like turning over a new leaf, or a fresh start to move forward with new ideas with the change of the season? (as autumn is on the way in the UK)

Do you find that moving into a different binder helps give you that 'new notebook' feeling? 

And as always on Fridays, please feel free to discuss anything organiser related. I hope that you have a great weekend.


  1. I change out my purse, Filofax, wallet, shoes, outfits, makeup, and bedding for the season change and my birthday. Happy Zeptember!! (Led Zeppelin band) ๐ŸคŽ๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงก♥️๐Ÿ’š TU Lee

    1. I think that sounds like a great idea & happy Zeptember to you too!
