
21 October 2022

Free for All Friday No. 728 by Nan

I recently watched an interesting documentary about time starring Zachary Quinto of Star Trek fame. The show explored the fact that time is flexible, not fixed, as shown by Einstein's theory of relativity. Furthermore, time is subjective: science has shown that our perception of time seems to slow down when we get a surge of adrenaline. That's why people say that they felt they were "going in slow motion" while experiencing a fall or accident. 

What does this have to do with organizers? Well, that's up to you! 

Do you feel that time passes more quickly if you use a weekly spread, where a year can fit on a hundred pages, or does time seem to drag on when you use a two-page-per-day layout where you devote more time each day to recording details? 

As always on Fridays, feel free to discuss any other organizer-inspired topics as well! 

1 comment:

  1. Hello there! Time is subjective indeed and it can be fast and slow at the same time for the same person. For instance, I've ordered my new filofax from the UK and it seems to me that time goes awfully slow and I get neurotic checking the tracker and wondering where my planner is and how long will I have to wait until I can get it in my hands. But at the same time I have a project in my hands and I feel that time is slipping away and I'm not moving fast enough with it.

    How can a planner help with that? Well, the planner gives you a point of reference and a way to help you organize your thoughts so you know that time is there, we measure it equally and we can make it work for us.
